03 443 7271 | 25a Russell street,
| Remarkable Physios, The Landing, Unit 15
5 Hawthorne Drive
Frankton, Queenstown

Gents, this may come as a surprise to you, but you have a pelvic floor! The pelvic floor is a layer of muscles stretching from the public bone in the front to the tail bone at the back.  They form the floor of the pelvis and help to support the pelvic organs (bowel and bladder), they help with the control of urine and faeces, help to empty the bladder and contribute to core stability.   These wonderful muscles also have a role with sexual function, including gaining and maintaining an erection. Yep, you could say, we love the pelvic floor!

Incontinence can be caused by a number of different things, including surgery and treatment for prostate cancer, constipation, stress and trauma. Around 40% of blokes over the age of 45 have bladder issues and they tend to worsen with age. 


HOWEVER. You don’t have to put up with leaking, no matter your age. Our pelvic floor physiotherapists have the skills and knowledge to help you regain control and confidence through exercise, education and having healthy bladder and bowel habits.

What’s stopping you from getting dry? Let us help you get your life back how you want it. 

Conditions we treat

The first step in starting the flow is to relax the muscles under the bladder and in the pelvic floor.  Delaying in starting is common with ageing or with prostate issues. But 30% of men who can pass urine in private can have trouble passing in public situations.

Flow may stop and start and slow down to a trickle as the bladder empties.

Post void dribble. This is due to pooling in the water pipe (the urethra). Simple techniques can help to empty the pipe completely and thereby reducing wet patches on trousers.

This symptom sometimes indicates the presence of residual urine but is not always accurate at predicting this.

Drinking large volumes of fluid, especially tea, coffee, chocolate drinks or alcohol in the evenings can mean a person has to empty the bladder more often. Diuretic medication like frusimide, can cause increased frequency. Increased frequency can also arise simply because of the effect of aging on the kidneys and bladder. An overactive bladder or infection may also be the cause. Determining the cause will help us to figure out the best treatment for this problem. We may request you complete a record of your fluid intake and your urine output so we can accurately assess your bladder function.

This means there is an urgent desire to empty the bladder, with the fear of leaking if you don’t reach the toilet on time. Often this can be due to an overactive or irritable bladder. This can happen with aging, but also if the bladder outlet is obstructed by the prostate. Nerve problems to the bladder innervation can also cause it.


The feeling of an urgent need to empty the bladder when not on the toilet.  Leaking may result before reaching a toilet. 



Leakage of urine on coughing, straining or exertion such as lifting, gardening, or with a golf swing.  It can be due to spinal injury nerve damage, or if the urethral muscles are damages after a prostate operation.

You should always see a doctor for investigations if you notice blood in the urine.

Services related to urinary problems in men

Pelvic floor strengthening for men

Identifying the pelvic floor muscles and knowing how to feel a definate squeeze and lift action is the first part of being able to strengthen these muscles. Even men who feel just a small movement because of muscle weakness can improve! At first you will likely perform these exercises in lying or sitting. As these muscles strengthen you will progress to more functional positions such as standing. Your therapist will design a program specific to you.
We use technology such as EMG biofeedback to show how strong the muscles are and help teach you how to get the best activation for the perfect program for you. Optimisation of pevic floor muscle strength will take 3-4 months of regular training of the muscles.
Remember to use your muscles when ever you exert yourself during daily activities. Pelvic floor muscle exercises can not only increase the ability to hold urine, but it can also help control an unruly overactive bladder.

Behaviour and bladder retraining

The volume of urine passed each time by a normal adult will vary from around 250 – 400mls or about 2 cups. Most people with normal bladder habits can hold on for 3-4 hours between toilet trips. Most younger adults can go through the night without voiding (passing urine / peeing)
Bladder retraining is for people who suffer from an urgent need to pass small amounts of urine more frequently than normal and may experience leakage with urgency. Some people with no urgency pass urine frequently and they too may benefit from bladder retraining.
The aim is to improve bladder control and increase the amount of urinary the bladder can comfortably hold without urgency / frequency or leakage of urine. We help to retrain the way you respond to the urgent desire to pass urine, and teach you how to suppress the urge until it is convenient to pass.
We may request a bladder diary to record the type of fluid you drank, the volume and the time, as well as the volume and timings of the urine you pass. We will request you to document the bladder sensation you feel when you need to go to the bathroom, and any episodes of urinary leakage.

Functional techniques to empty better and prevent leakage

Learning how to empty the pipe (urethra) properly can help prevent the few drops that sneak out after you have finished emptying the bladder.
Learning how to use the muscles when you need them, and having them work properly with the rest of the urinary system can help significantly to reduce leaking.

LIfes changes
Lifestyle changes

Aim to do at least 30 minutes of exercise most days. Not only can this help prevent constipation, but it will help keep the pelvic floor toned and help you maintain a healthy body weight.  We can give you more specific advice about appropriate exercise.

We may ask you to keep a record of the types and frequency of your bowel motions, so we can see the habits you are in. We can then help advise about any change that you could make to improve your bowel routine and habits.

Frequently asked questions

The majority of assessment and treatment can take place with the clothes on, or through the underwear.

The majority of the time we will not need to examine the prostate internally.

Book an appointment

Take the first step and book your appointment 60 minute appointment, which is always 1:1, and involves a treatment tailored to you exact needs.

Would you prefer to chat over the phone?

Wondering if we can help? Give our trained staff a call!
We can answer your detailed questions, and if we're not a great fit for you, we can provide resources and recommendations for treatment options.

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