Are you feeling a bit blocked up, gassy or struggling to pass a bowel motion during pregnancy?
40% of all pregnant women will experience constipation at some point during pregnancy. A painful poo is never nice to do, even when you are not pregnant! Avoiding straining at this point in the motherhood journey is very important, so to not overload the pelvic organs and the pelvic floor. We don’t want those haemorrhoids to rear their ugly heads!
The most common causes of constipation during pregnancy are due to iron supplements, the growing uterus that compresses the bowel and slow gut transit from the pregnancy hormone progesterone.
It is essential that when you complete a bowel motion you avoid straining!
Straining on the toilet puts extra pressure on the pelvic floor and over time can lead to weakening of the connective tissue and muscles and could lead to pelvic floor dysfunction.
Steps to the perfect pregnancy poo…
Don’t put up with a painful poo or a poo that is hard to do! Best get onto it asap, so that the bowels are in tip top shape before going into labour. Good luck and power to the poo that is soft, silky and slides on out with no fuss at all!